5 common gasket types and their uses


Gasket is a product or we can say a type of seal that is used between two surfaces to prevent their friction and gaskets are also used for filling the gap between surfaces. These seals help in preventing any sort of fluid leakage. “Rubber gasket manufacturers use different materials for making these seals. The most common and widely used material is silicone and rubber.

Now if we talk about the difference between “extruded silicone gaskets” and rubber gaskets, silicone gaskets are preferred because of their high resistance power to temperature and heat. Rubber gaskets cannot be used under ozone, oils/greases and UV interaction whereas silicone gaskets can tolerate these changes in a better way.

1.Rubber gaskets-: Rubber is one of the most basic materials used by the “rubber gasket manufacturers”. These gaskets are mostly made up of neoprene and EPDM types of material which is known for its flexibility property. These rubber gaskets are used in aerospace, automobile industries, because these are effective against water, air and any fluids.

2. Silicone rubber gaskets-: These are the gaskets which can tolerate high temperature making them mostly used gaskets, also these gaskets are good with electric insulation. There are several gaskets of silicone material provided by extruded gasket suppliers some of them are: Solid silicone gaskets, Sponge gaskets, food grade silicone gaskets, and foam gaskets etc.

3. Metal gaskets-: Mostly metal gaskets are made up of materials like steel, aluminum, or copper having high durability and resistance to various extreme conditions. These gaskets are produced by “extruded gasket suppliers” for a bit harsh purposes like aerospace equipment and chemical processors and other tough sectors where rubber and silicone gaskets are intolerant.

4. Flat gaskets-: As the name gives the description of gasket type these are flat sheets made up of copper, cork etc. These gaskets are used where there is a need for low pressure tolerance application. Like household plumbing, electrical closures etc. “rubber extrusion companies" provide in different types like ring, oval, or as frames.

5. Pipe gaskets-: These gaskets are typically made up of fiber, rubber, or metal. These gaskets are used in pipelines and boilers and heat exchangers, because these are highly resistant to temperature and pressure. Types of pipe gasket include flanges or spiral wounds gaskets.

Benefits of Gaskets: Like we studied that there are a variety of gaskets that are being made by “rubber gasket manufacturers” for various sectors. Now we will understand why gaskets are used in different industries and what the advantages of rubber and silicone gaskets are:-

a. The gaskets manufactured by “gasket manufacturers” are highly durable in nature when exposed to UV light and extreme weather conditions.

b. Approval of Food and medical industries make these “extruded silicone gaskets” more efficient for the use of food and beverages applications and medical equipment and health care applications. Also these gaskets are not toxic or harmful to people.

c.   Silicone and rubber gaskets can resist high pressure working conditions because it takes their original shape even after compressing it under high pressure.

d.   Gaskets are used as a seal to different two surfaces because it can repel water which means that it does not pass the water and moisture. This property of gaskets is useful for outer moist conditions.

e. Silicone gaskets are not easily flammable which makes them useful for heat generating activities and the industries which require flame resistant materials like gaskets and other parts.

f.    Gaskets do not get damaged while In contact with water or any fluid.

g.  These silicone gaskets are highly tolerant to the temperature. It maintains its quality during low and high temperature ranges.

h.   Rubber gasket manufacturers” make these silicone and rubber gaskets in a huge variety of shapes and color levels so it can be used for different applications.

i.  Silicone is known as a highly insulator of electricity as a result the gaskets made from this material are also good at insulation.

Application/Uses of gaskets: If we talk about the application of gaskets then it has wide industries of usage some of them are explained below:-

A.    Food and beverages/healthcare-: These “extruded silicone gaskets” are more efficient for the use of food and beverages applications and medical equipment and health care applications as these are FDA approved. Also these gaskets are not toxic or harmful to people and will not cause any trouble if used in these industries.

B.    Commercial applications-: Normally extruded gaskets are used in vehicle doors and windows also in the houses normal doors and vents ducts and windows also for pharmaceutical purposes.

C.    Transportation industry-: Like we studied that these silicone gaskets are stable and very durable in temperature and extreme pressure working conditions, they can handle stress without any change and they are considered good for personal and commercial and industrial vehicles. Silicone radiator seals and transit systems of buses and trains use these products.

D.    Chemical industry-: When we talk about high performance products for the critical chemical and crucial fluids industry or any other gas oil industry we need reliable products and seals with high quality and proven material. So gaskets are also used in the products like pipes and ducts, oil pumps, valves, because these gaskets can easily seal these products with high quality and less damage. Some examples are O-rings Oil seals etc.

E.    Aerospace-: The resistant property of gaskets to the high pressure, stress, temperature ranges, chemicals, ozone exposure and UV light and chemicals makes them appropriate for airplanes, space shuttles and similar vehicles. Because these silicone gaskets have high tolerance to wear and tear to extreme conditions as well.

By understanding the uses and benefits of gaskets we need to make sure that we choose the right partner for our business who can get you the best products according to your designs and requirements, pay attention to working details, and find a “Rubber gasket manufacturer” with a reputed image in the part making industry.

Conclusion:-  Extrusion and “Extruded silicone gaskets” require attention to details and design of part. Because we see that these parts or we can say that gaskets are widely used in various industries like aerospace, automobile, F&B, electrical supplies, transportation and other commercial purposes. So it is the responsibility of “Rubber Extrusion Company” that it provides quality and tested products to its clients so that they can rely on that company for future business as well.

Know More: https://krishanimoldparts.blogspot.com/2024/09/rubber-extruder-manufacturers.html


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